Meet the FinanceHeads

Alan Simpson

Alan Simpson

Value Add

Nick Lumb

Nick Lumb

Profitability Solutions

Martyn Keates

Part-Time Finance Director Ltd

Andy Cristin

Andy Cristin

Pareto Financial Direction

Chris Burton Brown

Chris Burton-Brown

Mylor Financial Management

Stephen Foale

Stephen Foale

Fletcher Foale

Mathew Baker

Matthew Baker

Champ Consultants

Seth Johnson - FinanceHead Member

Seth Johnson

Farnhurst Enterprises Limited

Chris Budleigh - FinanceHeads Member

Chris Budleigh

Surrey FD Limited

Kevin Laxton - FinanceHeads Member

Kevin Laxton

Laxton Business Consulting Ltd

Get in touch

If you would like the benefit of having your very own part-time FinanceHead working as part of your management team then please get in touch.


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Do you want to become a FinanceHead and help businesses? FinanceHeads is about bringing together commited Directors behind a common name.

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